As there are growing tensions among European legal systems, a need for a higher court of appeals is evident. This committee will discuss the possible integration of the European Court of Justice with the International Court of Justice, possibly moving this court to a more optimal location. Delegates shall represent the heads of state of the European Council's countries and decide whether or not to integrate the two courts. What are the best means of doing so? Where should the ECJ move to? Delegates must be prepared to face unforeseen circumstances and navigate the structure of the European Council to make fail-proof resolutions that operate in the majority of the cases.




Atharv Chakole

Head Chair

Yuthika Sathyanarayanan

Crisis Chair

Adeline Lewis

Deputy Chair


your Under-Secretary-General:


Amanda Carvalho (she/her)

Amanda is a sophomore from Nairobi, Kenya, majoring in Economics with a double minor in Dramatic Art and Mathematics. She fell in love with Kenyan MUN in the 7th grade, and has not stopped participating since, from organizing international conferences to CIRA’s accessibility-oriented branch, moMUNtum. When she’s not in a theater production or sweating on a volleyball court, you’ll find her dancing to any music she can get her hands on! Her favorite pastimes include writing incoherent poetry, doing anything at the beach, and having picnics with her friends. She could not be more excited to contribute to UNCMUNC XV, and cannot wait to be enriched and inspired by conference delegates.